Partner Info

Kidlington Parish Council

Kidlington Parish Council declared a climate emergency in 2019. We support and host many of the activities of the Cherwell Collective and other eco initiatives (like KEG!),  and are committed to regenerating local green spaces in the village.  The council also helps co-ordinate a Kidlington Litter Pickers group of volunteers keeping our community spick and span, and to recycle what they can. To find out more visit our environment pages, or email

Cherwell Collective

Cherwell Collective is a local organisation that is seeking to reduce waste and build a circular economy. We run a number of incredible projects out of Exeter Hall (see below*), and which serve and empower the village and wider region. See an introductory video here.

For more info visit our facebook page and website, or email

*Cherwell Larder

Every year tonnes of quality surplus food goes into landfill. Cherwell Larder rescues it and passes it on.

We’re open on Thursdays and Saturdays at Exeter Hall, Kidlington OX5 1AB from 11 am – 2pm. Come and fill your shopping bag. Save money and the planet at the same time! To find out more email

*Climatarian Kitchen

Climatarian Kitchen is a food surplus cafe operating on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at Exeter Hall, Kidlington. We also provide culinary courses, meal kits, and flexible recipes to help our community reduce food waste and promote well being. Sample our delicious meals all made with surplus food which would otherwise go to landfill. Pick up fresh produce from our mini larder. Come for the food, stay for the revolution! To find out more email

*Harvest @ Home

Harvest @ Home is an evolving community group helping people across Oxfordshire to grow their own food. Our GreenSpace Gardens are community spaces (allotments and raised beds) managed with biodiversity in mind and ultimately producing great food for all involved. Everyone is welcome, whether you have an hour a week or an hour a year, please join us. If you’d like to be involved volunteer at your nearest garden, or email us at

*Waste Innovation Station Headquarters (WISH)

WISH promotes a lower carbon footprint through non food waste reduction and repurposing. We provide tutorials and kits to help people repurpose common household waste items.  We host repair cafes, clothing and gift swaps, and events to encourage people to reduce waste and live more sustainably. For more info follow WISH on facebook, see the website or email

Kidlington Abundance

Abundance is a Kidlington based community group that aims to discover all the forgotten fruit trees in people’s back gardens and around the village and turn the unused fruit into something good. We reduce food wastage through reviving methods of preserving fruit and reducing food miles; reconnect with nature and the seasonality of local food; and create and foster a sense of community around harvesting, preserving and distributing. Join us for one of our community fruit pressing events in Kidlington during September and October. To find out more email us at

St Mary’s Fields

St Mary’s Fields reserve was created in 1999 to provide a nature reserve and an open space accessible to all the people of Kidlington. The 14 acre site is managed by volunteers in cooperation with the owners, Kidlington Parish Council. A highlight of the year is the big hay rake in August, but we also meet on the first Saturday of the month from 10am-12pm in the car park at the back of St Mary’s. New volunteers always welcome! Contact the Parish Council on 01865 372143.

Wild Oxfordshire

Conservation charity Wild Oxfordshire is excited to be hosting a 3 year ‘Wild Kidlington’ project in Kidlington funded by Cherwell District Council. The aims are: to enhance the nature themed groups and activities that are already going on in Kidlington; to improve green spaces for wildlife in the village; and to connect local residents to nature and increase understanding of local wildlife. To find out more see the project page or email Rhiannon at

Cherwell District Council

As part of their Healthy Place Shaping agenda, in 2021 Cherwell District Council secured a grant from Sport England and worked with Kidlington Parish Council to create walking routes connecting schools and green spaces through Kidlington and Gosford. These are inspired by the zoo animals who used to live in Kidlington in the 1930s. Look out for the Monkey, Elephant, Bear and Lion trails, which are between 1.5 and 5.5 k long, start at Exeter Hall, crisscross alleyways, connect with the canalside, have places to sit, activities to do and suggestions for how to enjoy the outdoors. Three new Explorer walks (Water Vole, Kingfisher and Butterfly) have also now been opened. Access the maps here.

Kidlington Gardening Society

Kidlington Gardening Society was founded in 1860. You’ll probably have seen the flower beds and hanging baskets around the village which our members, in cooperation with the Parish and District Councils, design and plant as part of Kidlington in Bloom. We meet at Exeter Hall, usually on the first Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm, and hear from a range of speakers. We also have visits to gardens, flower shows and other places of interest. Meetings are free to members, £3 to visitors, who are very welcome.​ For more info email:

Churches Together in Kidlington

As Churches Together in the village we’re keen to share in efforts towards celebrating and safeguarding God’s beautiful creation, responding to climate change and the social injustices it leads to. A number of the churches have eco teams and / or are progressing through A Rocha’s eco church accreditation scheme. Eco reps from across the churches in the village meet together to share progress, plan and pray. It’s been great to play a part in the formation of KEG, and we’re keen to help facilitate and resource its ongoing work.